Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sept 17 2019 Redwood City

Weighed in at 172 today.  Been eating too much chocolate and cookies after dinner :) Slept 6 hours.  no Afib today. 

strava - https://www.strava.com/activities/2716684304

Ran 5.7 miles - felt ok - mostly 9 min miles.  

Stopped a lot - I liked that. guilt-free walking. 

Tried out the new galaxy/samsung ear buds today.  Sadly, they are like the bose buds - oniy work WELL (as in no audio dropouts) with the garmin music watch on the right hand. I attribute this problem as much to the watch as the earbuds bluetooth radio, but I've also noticed similar complaints with the apple watch and the bose buds. so it's not entirely the watch's fault..but apparently the product leads at Dre/Buds are better than those at Bose & Samsung. At least they use the buds while wearing a watch.