Wednesday, May 08, 2024

2024 getting back to regular training


Welcome back Spassmeister! Having fun??

Well it's 2024 and I'm trying to get a regular rhythm back to my exercise program.  I may have overdone it as ramping up running/biking/weights has left me sore in many areas.  

But first - here's my Strava recording of workouts. I've begun including weights in what I post just for completeness sake as I've been falling behind on the spreadsheet. F

Here's mid-Feb to mid-March 2024 workouts.  I was ill, had some injuries and was traveling (MWC, Madrid) 

Now - here's the last 6 weeks 

The massive increase in running, biking and weights has taken a toll and when I work up today I decided maybe 1-2 rest days are needed.  Currently suffering from:
  • a sore left knee - it's sore above my kneecap to touch and during some movements, but does not in any way impair ambulatory (running, walking) movements. Seems like when I was sick with a flu 5-6 weeks ago I somehow hurt the tendons around the knee in what I think was a mild tear. It has not healed and even seems to have spreada.
  • Mild right hamstring tendinopathy - this has come up in the past week. sore when I ran a week ago  (was limping after a Sun run and on Monday at work). I've been doing glute-bridges and some one-leg extensions.
  • Slower times - for some reason my times have been going from 8:30 pace ot 9:00 pace and I never really feel recovered. 
So - plan of record: No running/biking today or tomorrow.  Nothing at all today, and, weights tomorrow very early (5 am if possible).  Need my Whoop Score on recovery to improve so I can workout Fri/Sat/Sun this coming weekend.