Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Still Sore - max "jogging distance" is 1/2 mile

 After the labor day weekend with the family and only biking/elliptical/walking - (pain free) and a workday after commuting yesterday, I tried to see what improvement the left hamstring had made. Turns out very little.  

ran down ebener to roosevelt, then to vera...then about the time I hit Red Morton park it was sore again.  The pain was not specific and stabbing, but in the upper part of my left thigh and felt spread around the area. I was not specifically on the left side where the tendonapathy had been, but rather generally in the mid-to-upper hamstring. I then began walking and very light/easy jogging until I was home

I did a pain free 20 min on the elliptical and the swissball hamstring running exercises 1 time.