Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Still Sore - max "jogging distance" is 1/2 mile

 After the labor day weekend with the family and only biking/elliptical/walking - (pain free) and a workday after commuting yesterday, I tried to see what improvement the left hamstring had made. Turns out very little.  

ran down ebener to roosevelt, then to vera...then about the time I hit Red Morton park it was sore again.  The pain was not specific and stabbing, but in the upper part of my left thigh and felt spread around the area. I was not specifically on the left side where the tendonapathy had been, but rather generally in the mid-to-upper hamstring. I then began walking and very light/easy jogging until I was home

I did a pain free 20 min on the elliptical and the swissball hamstring running exercises 1 time.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

What a difference that hamstring pull made

 Just quickly - has been a struggle to NOT run and only bike/walk/workout/elliptical.  I re-injured the healing hamstring a week after the event trying to speed up.  Now i'm having trouble running even 9:30 miles


I'm not taking ibuprofen, but I am icing nightly.  today when I intended to run 5 miles through Atherton it began to hurt after my warmup of about 1 mile. But the time I was turning on Valota it was feeling odd/painnful. By the time I crossed woodside (where I SHOULD HAVE TURNED LEFT AND HEADED HOME) it had become increasingly sore.  I ran one block, cut through the emersion spanish school, and back down Selby to oakwood and basically walked back. 

Maybe another week? 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Fell and pulled a hamstring on first day of MP training

Fastest run/pace since the SF Half in 2018

    but a hamstring injury happened the same day...due to a fall!

I began using (sort of) the Hal Higdon program which is a bit easier than my own plan.  Hal's week one (of 18 weeks) was rest day monday, 3 mile run ez Tuesday, rest day wednesday, 5 mile run (8:49 pace) Thursday,  5 mile run at MP (8:11) Friday and then a long run (10 miles) Saturday and a x-training day sunday.

I had run 6 miles Monday so skipped Tuesday/Wednesday ran ez 5 (8:35/mile) and was excited about beginning the structured running with a MP run on Friday at 8:10 or under. After a one mile warmup ran at 7:39 - 7:59/mile the rest of the way and came in at 8:01/mile. The SF pace in 2018 was 7:46/mile, and this felt mostly easy and my HR was never over 130.

So will keep up biking and weights until I can run easy again.  I'm icing it 2X per day and stopped taking ibuprofen after day one.  So going with turmeric for inflation reduction, biking/elliptical/weights for exercise 

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

2024 getting back to regular training


Welcome back Spassmeister! Having fun??

Well it's 2024 and I'm trying to get a regular rhythm back to my exercise program.  I may have overdone it as ramping up running/biking/weights has left me sore in many areas.  

But first - here's my Strava recording of workouts. I've begun including weights in what I post just for completeness sake as I've been falling behind on the spreadsheet. F

Here's mid-Feb to mid-March 2024 workouts.  I was ill, had some injuries and was traveling (MWC, Madrid) 

Now - here's the last 6 weeks 

The massive increase in running, biking and weights has taken a toll and when I work up today I decided maybe 1-2 rest days are needed.  Currently suffering from:
  • a sore left knee - it's sore above my kneecap to touch and during some movements, but does not in any way impair ambulatory (running, walking) movements. Seems like when I was sick with a flu 5-6 weeks ago I somehow hurt the tendons around the knee in what I think was a mild tear. It has not healed and even seems to have spreada.
  • Mild right hamstring tendinopathy - this has come up in the past week. sore when I ran a week ago  (was limping after a Sun run and on Monday at work). I've been doing glute-bridges and some one-leg extensions.
  • Slower times - for some reason my times have been going from 8:30 pace ot 9:00 pace and I never really feel recovered. 
So - plan of record: No running/biking today or tomorrow.  Nothing at all today, and, weights tomorrow very early (5 am if possible).  Need my Whoop Score on recovery to improve so I can workout Fri/Sat/Sun this coming weekend. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Never ending fatigue? Will this ever end? How about daily running??

 I'm getting slower and slower.  I don't know why

I stopped to walk over 15 times in three miles today.  My HR went up to 130+ quickly after I would start walking again.  I cannot seem to run at all without a high breathing rate.  I'm hoping that this will all come back - eventually - but it's discouraging to keep running slower and slower.  

you can see all of the walk breaks I took from the very start.  Even now - at 6 pm today i'm very tired, my eyes are dry/sore, I've felt light headed the entire day.  

Sunday, April 10, 2022


I was going to call this post "extreme fatigue" as that's how I feel, but that seems too dramatic. While i'm happy that my weight finally dropped back below 170 (to 168.8 today) the past few days have been an exercise in self discipline.  I'm light-headed and extremely fatigued by short (5 mile) flat, slow runs.  Even walking up the stairs has made me light headed. On the run my HR went up to it's "flat line" of 134, but even so, I was panting like a dog.

Just went on a dog walk (2.3 miles) and will try a bike ride now. 

Saturday, April 02, 2022

Still plugging away in April 2022

 "It's always a struggle" Roberto Padovani

After the ups and downs physically over the past two years I have a remarkably similar time today as the days when I was 175 and running 9 min miles:

I was feeling really good near the end of Jan, but the issue with the pulled back from Ryan Hall's workout plan set me back a few weeks, followed by travel - including Barcelona, etc., has been hard. But been doing more structured workouts these days, a couple times a week until the body adapts, then will ramp up frequency.

TTFN...draft day!